Saturday, March 9th
Jesus said, "If a man serves Me he must follow Me.
Wherever I am My servant will be there too."
John 12:26

Regard My faithfulness to the Father's loving purpose and learn from it. I did not choose My way but the Father's will in all things. And having chosen I made it My own, working and preparing to fulfil it.

Centre in Me. Spend time with Me in quiet contemplation. Then will I orientate your every undertaking and empowering through My Indwelling and Our Holy Spirit. And together with others We will prosper the going of the Father's children near and far, singly and corporately progressing the Father's glorious purpose in the world. Few can imagine the power of individual and corporate commitment in unconditional service and surrender.

And in the garden of waiting and listening, on the cross of pain and suffering, I look for the faithful presence of My committed ones as I invite, prepare and strengthen for the purpose. Those who follow Me thus far share deeply in My redeeming work. So will they rejoice through time and eternity in the joy of resurrection and in the triumph of My risen life.