Sunday, March 3rd
To all Jesus said, "If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow Me"
Luke 9.23

I came to the world of men to love, redeem, and save. And all who receive and walk in My way are redeemed and saved according to the loving purpose of their Heavenly Father from Whom I came, in Whom I continually and eternally dwell.

But salvation is not only for the one or the few but for the many. All who turn to the light and truth and love with which they are addressed and receive it in the power of My sacrifice and My Indwelling, are challenged to become a means of My saving work in each and every generation.

And that this work may be progressed in individual, community and nation, each and every one must emerge from the natural and self-seeking disposition. Each must care for other and all for the Father's loving, fulfilling purpose. As self is firmly, generously offered to Our saving purpose so does each share the fellowship and triumph of the Cross.