Friday, March 1st
Jesus said to His Disciples, "You are the salt of the earth… … You are the light of the world ….. Your light must shine in the sight of men so that seeing your good works they may give praise to your Father in Heaven."
Matthew 5:13-16

I am the light of the world for I reflect the Father's glory and truth. And all who are in Me and I in them receive that which We are and that which constantly We give through the presence and power of Our Being. And the light which We give through the power of Our love and Indwelling will shine to the world through each child of the Father who seeks it. And each child who receives it has offered himself to Our love for cleansing, progressing and fulfilling. Fulfilment is praising the Father through the power of His Son and the light of His Spirit and praising Him faithfully in all things. In those who have travelled thus far Our light shines and illuminates the whole world, revealing Our love and Our purpose.

As all who desire it are enlightened and empowered through Our life and Our light and Our love, so are they renewed through the light of Our Being that he who receives may be filled and become Our light in others.