Friday, March 29th
Good Friday
"This is the covenant that I will make with them" says the Holy Spirit…
"I will put My laws in their hearts and write them on their minds".
Hebrews 10:16 (Jeremiah 30:31-34.)

Through the willing offering of My life and through the shedding of My blood I have set free every beloved child of the Father who claims the fruit of My victory of love. I lived on earth, died and rose again that all might have life and have it in abundance in time and throughout eternity. To receive that life which springs from My self-giving each needs must make response of love and offering of the natural self that I may purify and orientate the springs of action. And as response is made, obedience learned, freedom and liberty are gained, abundant life to know and do the Father's loving purpose.

Yes, there are problems and sadnesses in life's way, difficulties, setbacks, failures both small and great. No matter: where I am central to the soul's true purpose I cleanse, correct, lead, possess through love, progress in all things, and with Our Holy Spirit bring the committed soul to the Father's Presence, there to rejoice and glorify Him with all the faithful of all times and places.