Monday, March 4th
Jesus came to Nazareth and spoke to the people in the synagogue: "I tell you solemnly, no prophet is accepted in his own country …." They took Him to the brow of the hill intending to throw Him down
Luke 4:28-29

Let no-one fear the contumely and opposition which comes from witnessing to the truth within him. See how the Father's beloved Son received rejection from his 'friends' and neighbours. Pray for all who oppose the truth as you perceive it: so will truth be perfected in you and you will desire the well-being of those who oppose you as you offer it. So will the fellowship, triumph and suffering be experienced of Our saving sanctifying purpose as life is encountered and lived through day by day.

Take one day at a time: as you emerge to consciousness from each night's sleep commit yourself in faith and trust and love to the Father's purpose. Then ask for health and strength and energy to perform all that He wills, insight for understanding others and helping them along the way. Then leave all to your loving Heavenly Father. Have no anxieties and let no pressures invade your peace.

Within the context of this disposition there will be occasion and circumstance of pain and suffering: such is the constitution of life and living. Through this comes growth, maturity and fellowship in Our saving, sanctifying, cosmic work.