Thursday, March 28th
The Lord has anointed Me to bring food news to the poor, to bind up the hearts that are broken … but you, you will be named priests of the Lord.
Isaiah 61: 1 Luke 4:18

I am the joy of the Father throughout time and eternity His word in creation, His glory, His action, His peace. The love which has brought Me forth in being and action is Our Holy life-giving Spirit. And We are bonded in the liberty of perfect love.

The perfection of Our loving and all-embracing Being today enables for all times and peoples the Indwelling of Our Presence in each human child who seeks it. And as Our Presence grows and flourishes in the heart and mind, nourished by the food of My blessing and consecration, so is Our joyful Kingdom brought into the experience of those who seek and welcome it.

But as I give Myself in the totality of all I am and do, to the Father's loving will and purpose, so must each loving follower of Mine. And all becomes one living, loving offering for the one and the many in the Father's world. The way is narrow and demanding, sorrow and suffering will be experienced on the way. Have faith and trust, keep close to Me, believing, for I am love and I have overcome the world.