Thursday, September 6th
Jesus asked Peter to put out a little from the shore. Then He sat down taught the people from the boat. When He had finished speaking He said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and let down the net for a catch!" When they had done so their nets began to break. Jesus said, "Don't be afraid: from now on you will catch men
Luke 5:1-11

Allow the love of the Father to live and work in you and you will know the good purpose of His perfect will for yourself and for others. And with that knowledge will come an eager desire to fulfil that loving purpose, with the strength, the light, and the direction to accomplish it. Yet you will know and understand that it is not you who acts, progresses and perfects but Our Presence and Our loving purpose. Notwithstanding, your own selfhood will be transformed and progressed towards that perfection which awaits all who walk in loving trust and faithful obedience.

For it is the good purpose of the Father's love that all who respond to that which within themselves speaks of truth and love shall grow into that perfection which He has designed for each and every one. And as we each grows and flourishes in His way, so does each become a vessel for His light to shine and His love penetrate and embrace.