Thursday, September 27th
St. Vincent de Paul
When Jesus saw the crowds, He felt sorry for them, because they were harassed and dejected, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His Disciples, "The harvest is rich but the labourers are few.
So ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to His harvest."
Matthew 9 36, 37

The whole earth is the Father's and all that is in it. He has created it for joy and for the enjoyment and fulfilment in love of His beloved children. And so He seeks, and has done since the beginning of time, for the progress and perfection of each and every one in the uniqueness of the redeemed and sanctified selfhood of each.

For this I entered the world of His delight and pain - pain for and in the sin and sadnesses and waywardness of the children of men. I lived and died and rose again to gather to Myself the sons of men in and through My life and redeeming love to present them faultless and perfected to the loving Heavenly Father in the fullness of time and of His loving purpose.

But so that the sons of men may become the sons of the Father the love of Our Being must encompass and penetrate the hearts and minds of the Father's human creation. And His glorious purpose continually reaches out to call and enable those whom He seeks to lead - His beloved children - into the fullness of His living Presence. So identify with His loving purpose that you become that which He purposes for you.