Monday, September 17th
St Robert Bellarmine
Jesus said to His disciples, "It is not those who say to Me 'Lord, Lord,' who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of My Father in Heaven,"
Wisdom 7:7-10,15-16 Matthew 7:21-29

And how may he know the Father's will unless he seeks it with every fibre of his strength, and with all the inspiration of his heart and mind? Let is be known and fully understood that in all things the Father's will is to be found, in small as well as great matters. But let this not make for an anxious, busy mind, ferreting around in constant mental and spiritual activity. First let all things, even life itself be offered to the loving Heavenly Father. Each and every gift and blessing needs to be offered back so that it may be deployed as the Father sees best for the fulfilment of His loving purpose in the one and the many as well as in the life and work of him who receives it.

Then will My Presence be perceived at the heart's centre, waiting to instruct and empower for action, and to inform and enlighten in things material to that which will be done and experienced if that committed one follows faithfully in the way. So will he become a bridge for Our way to others who seek a way to truth and light and the Father's Kingdom.

Earnestly desire the Father's will in all things and I will empower you to fulfil it as you follow faithfully in the way,