Monday, April 23rd
Jesus said, "If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine let him renounce himself and
take up his cross every day and follow Me"
Luke 9:23

No one can walk along two roads at the same time : for all who travel there is at some time a choice of path. I am at each and every cross road guiding into right choice , as I am along the way enabling and encouraging. But the choice is freely made and it is individual for each child of the Father.

And the first choice in every life and in each day of every life is whose law should be paramount - the self or My cross-bearing Presence. To be subject to the demands of the natural self brings enslavement, faithfulness to My love liberating joy.

That choice, made in freedom, liberates and qualifies each child of the Father daily to offer the redeemed self for Our holy Spirit's endowment for growth and service . For each a different task with distinctive gifts for fulfilment, yet all thus committed and endowed contributing constructively to the Father's Kingdom. So will he rejoice with Me at the end of time in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.