Friday, April 20th
Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Do you love me? ……feed My lambs …..
tend My sheep ……feed My sheep."
John 21:15-19

This is both commissioning for life-work and endowment with means of doing it, for as a child of the Father loves, so is he enabled, and as he is enabled, so is he directed. And as he is directed so must he employ. And as he lives and works in this involvement and commitment, so does he glorify the Father, honour Me, extend and enrich the Father's Kingdom, and perfect his own soul. Yet it is not he that works but the love of the Father expressed in the Son and mediated through My indwelling and the power of Our Holy Spirit.

Let Our loving purpose, intent and dynamic, be the inspiration and power in all you do for the Father and for you fellow men. So will you multiply love within yourself and the power of love's indwelling.

Look for no reward save the fulfilment of your sanctified selfhood and the successful completion of your commission. Expect to walk the Calvary road with Me, so will My lambs and sheep be fed and tended, your life fulfilled, your joy complete.