Wednesday, September 29th

Each day is a unit of existence having its own shape and form, its own purpose and fulfilment: people who become a part of it, however fleetingly, are a part of the Father’s pattern for each and every one. So every day should be entered upon responsibly because it has point and meaning for each one with whom you have to do, and joyfully because it nudges reality at every point, in every person: from the people and circumstances of each day come the making, the creation of that unique fabric and substance which men call ‘soul’.

Always recall, especially when the going is difficult, or as you are tempted to anxiety for people or for causes in which you are involved – always recall that the day has form, definition, beginning and end, that come the end of the day you will reach the end of possibility of thought and of action as time and energy run out, and that before embracing the release of the of the pressures in sleep you will commit all in love and trust to your Heavenly Father.

So, as the discipline of the committed, ordered day becomes your way of life you will move forward with a quiet, joyful mind towards the ending of the day of life. To have journeyed to the final evening and reached a maturity of soul , having perfected through obedience that which was put in your path, to be able to look in hope and in love – and in patience – for the hand which will lead into eternity the end of the long, last evening – here is joy unlimited.