Thursday, September 1st

Do not seek peace and it will be bestowed on you as you persevere in that which is to be done and suffered. Have you not always unfailingly found throughout your life that all is supplied for the working through of all things ? So will it be so as long as your need remains which is the end of your life-span on earth.

And this applies to all for whom you work and care and suffer. Nothing is wasted of any good action or response to need of any child of the Father. Deep caring of the heart is registered by the Father as well as formalised prayer : and practical action prompted by Our Holy Spirit is the highest form of intercessory prayer , for it is the readiness and willingness combined with the action to remedy whatever contrary situation prevails in the person or people concerned.

But there is a difference between caring which issues in beseeching the love of the Father and healing of Our Holy Spirit through care and action and allowing yourself to be debilitated by anxiety and drawn into the maelstrom of despair sometimes engendered by deep suffering.

All right loving and prayer and action in love must be seen to be constructive in every way. And let it be understood that not invariably the Father's answer to the loving solicitude of individual and groups for a suffering person or people is to take them to Himself in the loving embrace of death.