Tuesday, September 27th
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God
Psalm 42:1-2

The living, faithful soul longs continually for deeper knowledge and more steadfast commitment to the Source of all Knowledge, Power and love. That is natural to its humanity, a means of growth, a challenge to wholeness and to holiness. The longing is continually satisfied but continually longs for more and witnesses to that which it desires.

Where there is no such longing in the human heart the soul is ailing and in mortal danger. Those who are smothered by the desire and accumulation of worldly possessions or who desire and seek power over the thoughts and lives of others are sick even unto death. Their own souls are threatened and they are a source of corruption in society, for they deny their very humanity by disregarding their spiritual nature and growth. Many are saved pending later metamorphosis by the love and prayers of others.

Because so many are blinded by their devotion to such things there is a deadness and danger in society over much of the Western world. The overall picture is alien to the life of the Father's Kingdom : light and life can be seen in the picture , men and women transformed and reflecting the light of life ; yet the life does not penetrate sufficiently to relieve the gloom and enlighten the way.

Let My light so shine in and through you and unite with all who bear witness to My light.