Friday, September 16th
Jesus said, "Except a grain o f wheat fall to the earth and die it abides alone . But if it die it will bear much fruit."
John 12:24

The offering of the self to the Father's loving possession is as fundamental and dynamic as the death of the body - more so, for it produces life in the world and growth in the mind and soul of the child of the Father as the death of the body cannot do if the beginning has not been made already.

But a single act of self-giving ,though vital, is not enough. The life of the saint is one of constant death to the self which tries to live apart from the will of the Heavenly Father . Only by this constant self-giving can the Father's will be known and followed and the soul progressed.

This is a lesson which the Father's children need to hear, learn and practise in the approach to the beginning of the Third Millennium. There is so much to be done, so far for the peoples of the earth to travel in their journey to oneness. Yet even the leaders have shown little sign of a true understanding of the destiny of humankind Countless thousands of the unlettered, simple folk of the earth are nearer to the Father's heart and purpose than the educated , disorientated children of this modern , technological society in East and West and North and South.

Display by your life and faithfulness your understanding of these things, and let Our Holy Spirit use you as a channel of enlightenment for others.