Saturday, September 10th
"Sorrow abides for a season but joy comes in the morning"
Psalm 30:5

So it is with all contrary, painful conditions and situations . And so it has been known by all who are the true heart in every nation amongst the peoples of all time. And the more devoted child of the Father to the truth enshrined in these words reveal it by faithfulness, despite all difficulties and setbacks, to the promise implicit in it .

Hold fast all that you have and are. Continually remind yourself that love is the fulfilment of all things - the beginning, the means and the end. Without love there is nothing, or worse than nothing.

Have no anxiety concerning the path you see continually before you. Practise the detachment from material temporary circumstances as you are continually shown, and embrace The Reality which is perpetually being revealed.

So will you triumph to the end and provide a beacon-light for those who follow in the same path.

Pain is inevitable, weakness of the body a sine qua non of the human condition. But all is meant to provide a healthy grounding for the emergence and the flowering of that precious, glorious entity - the redeemed and sanctified child of the loving Heavenly Father.