Thursday, December 29th
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Jesus said, " If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine , let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it ; but anyone who loses his life for My sake will find it
Mathew 16:24-27

There comes a time in the affairs of those committed to self-giving in and to love - sometimes more than one - when the decision to stand firm on a matter of deep principle is inevitable. There is a sense in which such a decision was taken by him in the previous orientation and self-giving of his life and living. So it was with Thomas of Canterbury., and with Stephen, and all the martyrs to their faith in all religions, rightly believing. But though diverse in time , tradition and manifestation of faith, so each reacted to the reflection of light of Our Holy Spirit, responding according to their ability and understanding. And this is the open secret offered to all humankind of all times and places, namely that each and every one the world over is called into a condition of self-giving in love. From that act of self-giving , however humbly it is at first conceived and acted through, comes insight and the offer of more light for self-giving and greater challenges for growth. Let the self-sufficient , self-asserting , self-centred soul consider these things and turn in his tracks before it is too late ; for apathy towards truth brings atrophy of the soul. And let each and every child of the Father the world over know and rejoice in the reality of My Presence at hand all times in the light and power of our Holy Spirit to cleanse and lead to wholeness.