Thursday December 1st
Jesus said "…Whither I go ye know and the way you know"
John : 14.4

There is a knowing which is of the heart. And all the Father's loving, committed children receive this gift in abundance as they progress along the way. This knowing is informed by the mind yet independent of it, enlightened and strengthened in understanding by the exercise of the will ; the will is enabled by the power of Our Holy Spirit. And My Presence, as it is invited and allowed to dwell in the heart and mind of the Father's committed child, provides a knowledge which cannot be defined nor yet can it be destroyed from without. So as with My Disciples during My incarnate life, so with all who have followed me down the ages to the present day, the knowledge of the way and the means is made according to the integrity of the desire and commitment, the commitment to set out along the way and faithfulness in it. Where mistakes are made and rebelliousness along the way are expressed, they are not serious handicaps where the orientation is followed in faithfulness. To set each and everyone along the way not once but every time I died and rose again. And the Father's hand is continually outstretched to receive back the wanderer or the one who falls in the way. So let this knowledge of a destination and the means of attaining it be a spur and confidence; let our light shine through your confident commitment to encourage others.