Wednesday, December 28th
Holy Innocents

To sin against innocence is to sin against light: since the beginning of time I doubly suffer in the suffering of the innocents; firstly in the pain and loss of the afflicted, but dynamically, too, in the hurt taken into the souls of those who inflict it. This is a mortal, soul-wounding, requiring agonising in depth with me through My Saving Act for deliverance. Nor let it be thought that such action under obedience justifies it: mercy always awaits the truly penitent, and through deep penitence pernicious harm may be averted. But let there be rejoicing for those who have remained faithful in persecution: their candles will ever burn amongst the children of men, for they have blazed the trail for those coming after, seeking the right way. And their reward is in Heaven with the angels and all who have continued faithful to the end: they rejoice perpetually in the glorious presence of the Father where they are led by My hand by the light of Our Holy Spirit. And the souls of all who have traversed the path through death to life are in the Father's presence and rejoice around His throne. No harm or fear nor danger affect their journey thither; their joy is unbounded. They have already the joy there will be in reunion with those who love them, and look for it in hope and expectation. Rejoice, then, in the hope which is set before all the faithful, not neglecting, however, to make yourself available for the work of sanctification of yourself and others as it is given you.