Tuesday, December 27th
John the Evangelist
Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw and believed
John 20:8-9

What more do My people need to see, understand and know the Truth ? And those who have seen and understood, how long before they respond with their whole lives ? The spirit of Our Godhead enters, informs, motivates and enables for action the soul of the totally committed . According to the measure of commitment so is the fullness and power of The Indwelling.. And without Me you can do nothing. Halt, then, in your tracks you who run from place to place without point or purpose : look and consider . And those who have looked and wondered : give time, seek quietness in depth, allow the searching light of Our Holy Spirit to pick out the areas in your life which need attention. Let it show all that impedes progress . Let all that encumbers and hinders be discarded.And you who have seen and understood and believed - allow your inner lives to be transformed . motivated and empowered. Let all come from within : to each his pattern and orientation . And both can be found as the discipline of commitment is made, received and practised. Through success and failure let the faithful soul progress and persevere - not in his own strength which is nothing , but in and through My saving love and by the light of Our Holy Spirit and in and through His empowering Be alert and alive, then, to that which is before you on life's way, sensitive and ready to react constructively according to the Father's will and loving purpose.