Thursday, May 26th
St. Philip Neri 15 (15-15.95 a.d.)
Philippians 4:4-9. John 17:20-26

I in you and you in Me: This is the Father’s will and loving purpose for every one of His beloved sons and daughters. But all are free to receive Our love or to allow alien powers to influence and guide them. My peace I give to all continuing faithful in the Way I offer, with power to walk in it through My indwelling and light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

The peace which passes knowledge and understanding in the superficial mind and heart not committed to and in Our love is with all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling. The Father’s will is that love should enter the whole being of all committed to His loving purpose and draw then closer to His Presence, and to become His love to all to whom He sends them in and through the grace and power of Our love.