Sunday, November 29th
1st. Sunday in Advent
Jeremiah 33:11-16. 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2. Luke 2:25-36

The Lord Most High, creator and preserver of all born into His world, is powerful to fulfil all He wills and purposes. His Name is Love, the Way is Love, and all are brought to perfection and fulfilment who respond to His Word in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love and the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.

Pray, then, for love in all you think and say and do that you may make progress in the Way in fellowship with all responding to Our love and light and leading. Be ready to respond to the Father’s word constantly addressed to His beloved sons and daughters – each one and all together. Be strong in faithfulness in and through the Grace and power of Our love.