Wednesday, December 23rd
Malachi 31:1-4,23-24. Luke 3:57-66

Never doubt the Father’s Presence with you as you continue faithful in Our love. Let the good purpose of His perfect will be done in you that He may pardon strengthen, settle and guide you in the Way and bring you to perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of His Presence, having accomplished all that He willed and purposed both for you and for those you are given to love and pray for.

Continue to let Our love prompt, inform and guide you, the Father’s Word enter your whole bring and speak to others as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. I speak to one, I speak to every one who give themselves to Love’s indwelling and Our Holy Spirit’s light and guiding.

‘The hand of the Lord’ is with the faithful in the Way as they offer themselves in faith and trust to the Father in and through the grace and power of My indwelling.