Tuesday, August 4th
St. John
3:16-23. Matthew 9:35-10:1
The Word the Father speaks to
His beloved sons and daughters is
life and light and power to become
and do all that He wills and purposes.
All all are called to respond in
the grace and power of His Love
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. Each one of His beloved
children proceeds from His love
and has a place in his heart and
purpose for them in His Kingdom.
But all are free to accept or refuse
what they are offered - to respond
in and through His Love or to live
in the isolation of their chosen,
limited and unfulfilled existence.
In faith and trust and absolute
self-giving accept the life and
light and truth the Father offers
and pray to become a means of others
finding and progressing in Our love
according to the Father’s
will and loving purpose.