Saturday, April 5th
Jeremiah 11:18-20. John 7:40-53

The word of the Most High is true and vibrant with life and light and power to know the will and loving purpose of Him who loved all things into being and calls His beloved sons and daughters to do His will and so fulfil His loving purpose.

All who refuse the truth offered them by the Most High, Lord of all, become lost in a darkness of their own making.  Their rejection of the word their heavenly Father continually speaks in them becomes their destruction as they turn away from the light and truth which could have saved them.  But all are free to choose, though rejection of truth enfeebles the will and eventually obscures the light, and the life in them is powerless to lead and guide them in the way

I, the Word and Love Incarnate of the Most High am the Way, the Truth, the Life to and in eternal life.  I am progress, perfection and fulfilment  in one and all who seek the Father’s will and power to do it in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love.