October 17th
St. Ignatius
of Antioch
Be obedient to the Father’s
Word in the grace and power of His
Love, the Love the Means of your
perfection and fulfilment through
progress in the Way and faithfulness
to His will through My indwelling
and the guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
When all is done and suffered you
will be drawn into the perfection
and fulfilment of Him who loved
you into being and calls you into
the fulness of His Kingdom of eternal
life and light and love with all
travelling in The Way and faithful
to the hope of their high calling.
But eternity is now, in this mortal
life, as you are faithful and obedient
in the Way and follow in the steps
of the Son of Man. led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. I, the Son of
Man, speak to every one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters . ‘Anyone
who hates his life will keep it
for eternal life. Whoever serves
me He must follow Me, and wherever
I am My servant will be too’.
‘But be of good cheer for
I have overcome the world’.(John
12:26, 16,33)