Wednesday, April 17th
Acts 8:1-8. John 6:30-35

I am the Light which lightens the way to life eternal for every one who looks and listens and responds to the Word of the Most High. I am the Father’s word incarnate spoken by the Father in every heart and mind and I am the Bread of Life, feeding and leading all who follow in the Way, led and guided by Our Holy Spirit..

In life and death I sought the Father’s will and through My risen life I bring to perfection and fulfilment all who offer all they have and all they are to the Father in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.

The Father’s will is gradually revealed in the faithful and the true of heart as they continue in Our love, following in the way and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

I am the Light of the World, the Resurrection and the Life and I am the Bread of Life in time and through eternity.