Wednesday, May 25th
Acts 15:1-6.15:1-8

As I am in the Father and He in Me so does He call you to Himself through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. My life, My death and My risen I offer every one born into the Father’s world: they are sons and daughters of His love, called to be members and participate in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.

Love chastens, enlightens and empowers all who follow in the steps of the Son of Man and who offer themselves in service to the Father’ Kingdom. I, Firstborn of the Father’s love, have become His incarnate love in the world of His creation. It is the Father’s will and loving purpose to bring all who are in Me and I in them – with all they have accomplished in he grace and power of Our love – to perfection and fulfilment in Him with and through Our Holy Spirit, in the fulness of eternity.