Saturday, August 13th
Joshua 24:14-29. Matthew 19:13-15

I am He who is and was and ever shall be. With the Father who is Lord of All and in and through Our Holy Spirit I create, redeem and sanctify in and through the grace and power of Our loving. The whole creation waits upon the perfection and fulfilment of the loving purpose of the Lord of All through time and in eternity.

You are a beloved child of the Lord of All Creation who is father of the children of His love, sons and daughters in hope and expectation in His eternal family of joy and in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.

I am the New Covenant made in time, the seal broken through My death, the promise of fulfilment offered in and through My risen life. In humility and love and in self-giving offer all you have and all you are to the Lord of All in the grace and power of Our love.