Wednesday, November 3rd
St. Martin de Porres
Philippians 4:4-9. Matthew 22:34-40

Desire nothing but the Father’s will in every thought and action: so will it be done in you in the grace and power of Our love. The Father loves you with such strength as could not be imagined in a thousand years, and every one of His beloved sons and daughters in like manner. And through His love individually bestowed His loving purpose is fulfilled in all who respond to it as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

Seek the Father’s will with every fibre of your being in faith and love and absolute self-giving. So will it be revealed to you. The well-being of the one and many and of the whole is in His hands and through His love one and all are called and challenged to become instruments and channels of his glorious loving purpose.

Peace and power and joy and progress in eternal life are yours and those whom it is given you to love and help and pray for through My indwelling and the guiding of Our Holy Spirit.