Monday, May 24th
1 Peter 1:3-9. Mark 10:17-27

In singleness of mind and purity of heart receive each day as a gift from your loving heavenly Father, for that is what it is. There is no life or light or truth save in and through the Father: life and light are natural gifts to all born into His world, truth is a special gift and grows by what it feeds on.

There is a second birth offered to all, namely the gift of love – love for Him, the creator and sustainer of all that lives and moves and has its being and for the sons and daughters of His love and His whole creation. I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, am His incarnate love in His world. Through My incarnate life, My death and risen life I bring to eternal life all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling for I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.

Daily wait upon the Father’s will in faith and trust and absolute self-giving – (I speak to one, I speak to all) and it will be given you as you continue faithful and obedient in Our redeeming, sanctifying love.