Wednesday, August 18th
St. Frances de Chantal
Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31. Mark 3:31-35

I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and His incarnate love, enter in the mind and heart of all who seek the Father’s will, and through Our Holy Spirit I enable them to do it in the grace and power of Our love.

Beauty, truth and love are the Father’s gifts to all who seek to love and serve Him and I, present and active with Him in creation, dispense them to the faithful in His love. And I, with and through Our Holy Spirit, make up what is lacking in the offering of all continuing faithful in the way and bring to perfection and fulfilment in the end.

The Father offers His redeeming, sanctifying love to every one of his beloved sons and daughters through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Or Holy Spirit. I, His beloved and loving Son, am The Way, The Truth, The Life: feed on Me in faith and trust and love and absolute self-giving.