Sunday, February 15th
Proverbs 8:1, 22-31. Colossians 1:15-20. John 1:1-14

You and all born into the Father’s world are children of His love, conceived before time was and brought, in due time, to fulfil His loving purpose.

And that purpose is to draw to Himself in joy and in fulfilment the fruits of His most glorious cosmic undertaking. I, the Firstfruit of His love from the beginning, was with the loving Lord Creator from the beginning, involved in His continuous creation. And through My entering into the totality of the experience of the sons and daughters of the Father’s love and, sinless, suffering into re-creation all responding to Our redeeming, sanctifying love, I brought the sons of men and the whole creation into the potential of perfection and fulfilment of the Father’s glorious, dynamic purpose.