March 28th
3:14-2091-92, 95. John 8:31-42
Trust, trust and trust again. This
is the Father’s word to you
and to all who seek to follow in
the way of righteousness and truth.
And let the good purpose of the
Father’s perfect will be your
power and inspiration. The way is
made increasingly clear to those
who seek to follow in the way We
lead and guide but it may be through
the furnace of suffering and endurance.
I am The Way, The Truth, The Life
and I bring all faithful to the
light offered them into the liberty
of the sons of God. For such is
each beloved son and daughter of
the Father called, enabled and empowered
through my indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy Spirit as
he responds in love and in self-giving.
Open heart and mind to My Presence.
So will I increasingly impart the
Father’s word and love through
My Very Presence for am I not the
Father’s Word Incarnate and
Incarnate Love?