July 10th
2:16, 21-22. Matthew 9:18-26
Realise and understand
that I have come to free
you, beloved of the Father,
from all that keeps you
from true service of the
Father and your fellowmen
and women. Through my indwelling
and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit all faithfully
committed in Our saving,
sanctifying love may come
to health and wholeness,
to fulness and perfection
according to the Father's
will and loving purpose.
Such is the Father's loving
purpose for every one of
His beloved sons and daughters;
but all are free to accept
the glorious gifts and gracious
challenge which He offers,
or refuse.
Come to Me, and let Me
live in you, beloved of
the Father - I speak to
one, I speak to every one
- and I will bring you to
the joy and fulness of all
the Father offers you ,with
all the redeemed and sanctified
in Us.