Tuesday, November 29th
3:1-2,9-13. Matthew 21:28-32
I cleanse the heart and mind of
all who seek the Father's will and
loving purpose. I, His Word incarnate
and Incarnate Love, make all things
new for all who through the guiding
of our Holy Spirit and the power
of Our saving, sanctifying love
continue faithful and obedient in
the way.
And you who have not sought the
way of light and life and love but
seek it now, and you who have failed
to follow, with all who knowingly
have culpably sinned - be encouraged
by the knowledge that you are blest
and strengthened in Our love as
you take the way We offer in humility
and love and self-giving.
Pray constantly that Our life,
Our light, Our truth enter your
heart and mind and fill your soul
with all We desire for you and bring
you to the joyfulness of Eternal