July 7th
Genesis 46:1-7,
28-30. Matthew 10:16-23
The Father's Kingdom was established
in His world before time was : the
sons of men - who also are beloved
children of the Father - are given
freedom to accept its basic laws
or to reject them. Those rejecting
them deny their true humanity and
put themselves outside the Father's
Kingdom of eternal life and light
and love. Many travel in a twilight
zone on the borders of the Kingdom
but countless numbers have walked
safely and securely until they come
into the fullness of eternity in
the glorious Presence of the Father.
I came into the Father's world
and lived and died that all alienated
from the Father's Kingdom might
be restored to its freedom and potential.
All who die to sin in the grace
and power of My saving love are
offered the life and light and joy
of My risen life and full membership
of the Father's Kingdom.