June 11th
Acts 11:21-26, 13:1-3. Matt.
All things conjoin in one
great act of union and of
love within the Kingdom
of Eternal Life and Light
in this world and in the
Nearer Presence of the Father.
The Father's will and loving
purpose is the mainspring
of dynamic progress in the
forward operation of enwholing
and enloving.
You are called, with every
child of man whoever lived
or ever will, to take your
place in this most glorious,
joyful, forward movement.
All pains and setbacks,
failures and sadnesses are
caught up in joy and in
fulfilment for all committed
to Our saving, sanctifying
love. Enjoy the foretaste
of the Father's Glorious
Presence in your present
faithfulness and obedience.