Monday, April 29th
St. Catharine
1 John 1:5-2:2. Matt. 11:25-30. John 14:21-26

I, the Father's love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word am spoken to each child of man whoever lived or ever will. I bring the Father's love, and enter heart and mind as I am welcomed and accommodated in the soul. I have entered human life through the Father's will and loving purpose and through the willingness of Mary, the human agent of My Incarnation.

And I draw into the Father's heart all the burdened and oppressed and all who seek the way of understanding, peace and service. I am the light and life, the means and the fulfilment.

Through My death and risen life and the power of Our Holy Spirit all pain and suffering is transformed and made the way of participating in the joy and glory of Our saving, sanctifying love.