Friday, April 23rd
St. George,
Jesus said,
"If anyone wants to be a follower
of Mine let him renounce himself and
take up his cross every day and follow
For love I laid aside the glory
of the Godhead, love for My Father
and for His loving purpose and love
for the sons of men whom He is lovingly
creating. Each child of man, created
in Our image, is designed to glorify
the Father in the uniqueness and
perfection of his personality and
through his contribution to the
work and extension of the Father's
Kingdom. And the way is through
Our saving, sanctifying love and
the light and power of Our indwelling.
To understand this in depth of
heart and mind all must constantly
and earnestly desire and seek the
Father's will as I did in My incarnate
life : and as they seek so will
they find, and as they find so must
they faithfully follow. Our Holy
Spirit lights the way of all who
seek, and I enable with my loving
Presence all who embark upon it.
Daily the way is given as it is
sought in faithfulness. And the
cross he daily bears I share with
him and it becomes a glorious part
of My eternal suffering and victory
for Everyman.