Monday, November 23rd
St. Columban (543? – 615 A.D.)
Isaiah 52:7-10. Luke 9:57-62

You are offered all and more than you can want or hope for. The Most High loved you into being; will He not complete what He began as you respond to His will and loving purpose? As you bring happiness, proclaim deliverance to all the world, and announce ‘the Lord is King’” so do you identify the Lord of Glory and become a means of His reaching out to all His beloved sons and daughters. Listen, then and respond in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.

(‘We Irish, living in the farthest parts of the earth, are followers of St. Peter and St. Paul and of the Disciples who wrote down the sacred canon under the Holy Spirit. I accept nothing outside this evangelical and apostolic teaching………’ From letter of St. Columba to the Pope about a doctrinal controversy).