Monday, November 16th
St. Margaret of Scotland. (1046-1093. A.D.)
Isaiah 58:6-11. John 15:9-17

As you remain in Me and I in you it will be given you to know and do the Father’s will according to His loving purpose. Listen, then, and let Me speak in the quiet places of your heart and mind: I speak to one, I speak to every one. Let the Father’s will be sought by individual, community and peoples and let one and all pray that love may fill both heart and mind and prompt to service and self-giving in all things.

Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the Father’s will is known by the faithful and the true of heart, power given to do it through Our redeeming, sanctifying love . ‘Remain in Me; this is My commandment, that you love one another’. (John15:9)