Tuesday November 10th
Leo the Great. (d.461)
Ecclesiasticus 39:8-14. Matthew 16:13-19

All – each and every one of he Father’s beloved sons and daughters – all are called to enter in the mystery of the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love to receive understanding and power to make progress in the Way according to His will and loving purpose. Eternal life is now for all obedient to the Father’s Word in the grace and power of His love and all have their place and mission revealed and opened up to them as they continue faithful in the Way.

‘Blessed are the poor in spirit ….the meek….the pure in heart’ : only they can enter in the Kingdom and make progress inn the Way through Love’s indwelling and the will and loving purpose of the Most High.

Ponder the hidden mysteries and respond in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.