Tuesday, May 6th
Acts 7:5-8:1.   John 6:30-35

Those who do not listen for the word of the Most High will not hear the truth which He would impart to them nor come into the fullness of the life He offers. Their invincible deafness is their downfall and their refusal to return to the light their destruction unless they turn and return to the glorious hope of the high calling of all the beloved sons and daughters of the Most High.

The Son of Man constantly pleads, in the Presence of the Most High, for all who look for life and light and truth in their life and living, and makes His home in all who give themselves to the Father in the grace and power of Love’s indwelling.

Let the light of Our Presence and the power of Our Holy Spirit lighten your going in the Way and empower you in the will and loving purpose of Him who loved you into being and calls you to perfection and fulfillment in His eternal Presence in time and through eternity.