Thursday, May 15th
Acts 13:13-23.  John 13:16-20

Read the Scriptures, believe the truths revealed in the Scriptures and – above all - believe in Me, the express Image of the Father, the Only-Begotten of the living God, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate and saviour and redeemer of the sons and daughters of the Father’s love. (Colossians 1:13-15).

Life is for identifying and responding to the Father’s will and loving purpose in and through His Love and the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.  Let one and all respond to this all-embracing and eternal truth – alone and in the community of meeting and in their daily life and living.

All obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in His love are cleansed and purified by My sacrificial, redeeming love, welcomed into life eternal and progressed in the way of the Father’s Presence in time and though eternity.  Believe and trust, trust and believe and offer all you have and all you are to the Most High, father of all born into the world and infinite Life and Light and Love in all creation.