Friday, May 23rd
Acts 15:22-31.  John 15:12-17

I, the Father’s word incarnate and His incarnate love seek to enter every heart and mind according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.  I am the Father’s love: open mind and heart to My indwelling.  You are called to become an image of the Father’s glory, a redeemed and sanctified sister of the Son of man. As I live in you and you in Me so is the Father glorified and you become a witness to His love in and through Our Holy Spirit.

As you abide in Me and I in you so will you love your brother and your sister near and far and witness to Our redeeming, sanctifying all-embracing love in the Father’s world.  And the self-giving love of the Son of Man will become your joy, your inspiration and your power to follow in the Way led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.