Monday, May 26th
Acts 16:11-15. John 15:26-16;4

Open your heart wide to receive Truth that you may be enlightened in the Way   and receive Life and power to make progress in it: I speak to one, I speak to every one. I have been with you from the beginning, made Myself known to you as you responded to the Father’s word and enabled and empowered you as you continued faithful; and I shall be with you till the end of time.  Such is the Father’s will and loving purpose for one and all obedient to His word in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

Pray for the resilience of the Son of Man in His obedience to the Father’s will despite all opposition and persecution. Identify with His self-giving love and let the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit direct your going in the Way.

Our Holy Spirit witnesses to truth and all responding with their heart and mind in love and self-giving are led and guided in the Way and empowered by the life of Our indwelling Presence.

I am the Way, the Truth, the Life: receive and give, give and receive.