Saturday, May 24th
Acts 16:1-10.  John 15:18-21

The Most High, father of one and all born into the world, His beloved Son, the Father’s Love and Word Incarnate and Our loving, dynamic Holy Spirit lead and guide all who seek truth and power to share it in and through Our indwelling.

All who receive Love into heart and mind and follow in the Way, the Truth, the Life have eternal life and make progress in it as they offer all they have and all they are to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

Follow in the steps of the Son of Man in the grace and power of Our love. You will receive opposition and sometimes persecution - I speak to one and all – but your faithfulness in love will strengthen and sustain you in the Way and you will be in fellowship with those who are suffering now for their witness and with those who have gone before you who now glorify the Father in the presence of the Son of Man who brings the faithful in Our love to the Father’s Presence in time and through eternity. And I will give you the crown of life as you continue faithful in Our love.