Friday, October 4th
St. Francis of Assisi
Isaiah 66:10-11. Matthew 1:25-30

The Most High calls, His Word goes forth and His beloved sons and daughters are drawn into His loving Presence as they respond to His challenging, encouraging , strengthening, joyful and fulfilling call and message.

In joy and absolute self-giving offer all you have and are and are becoming to Our redeeming, sanctifying love in the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit. I speak to every one.

I, the Father’s word and love incarnate, am the Way, the Truth, the Life to the Father’s Presence and to perfection and fulfilment in and through His love. The pure in heart and faithful in Our love grow in the knowledge and understanding of the way, progress in the truth and receive the life to follow as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

‘Come to Me all you who are overburdened and I will give you rest. Shoulder My yoke and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light’. (Matthew 11:28)