Tuesday, October 15th
St. Theresa of Avila
Romans 8:22-27. John 15:1-8

All life – in heaven and in the created world – is part of the creative will and loving purpose of the Most High. The sons of men, beloved children of the Most High, are given choice to accept or refuse the first-fruits of the Spirit; all accepting and responding are made perfect in Our love as they continue faithful, and they are offered a part in the building and extension of the Father’s Kingdom in His created world in fellowship with all responding to the hope of their high calling.

I, the Father’s word Incarnate and His incarnate love, am the Way, the Truth, the Life to and in the Father’s Kingdom. I am the True Vine and My Father is the Vinedresser. I am the Vine, you are the branches: I speak to every one in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love. ‘If you remain in Me and My words remain in you may ask what you will and you shall get it. It is to the glory of the Father that you should bear much fruit and then you will be My disciples’. As you identify and are faithful in the Father’s will so are you progressed and strengthened in the way and come to perfection and fulfilment according to the Father's loving purpose.